I played the last version of NBA LIVE and thought it was fantastic. The controls were responsive and it was really cool being able to get a variety of all star players on my team. Sadly, this version has taken a step back. The controls are not as responsive as they once were, the pass button is almost never works and it’s hard to select the correct person to pass to. Another disappointment on the gameplay side is the play calling. First off you can’t really call screens or anything they just sometimes happen. There are points when playing certain events where the opposing team will screen you like crazy and there’s nothing you can do. There are points where you try and steal the ball and you never can poke it out. You can have 62 overall opponents playing like all stars and knocking down shots and you with your 80 and above players can’t hit anything. It’s interesting to see how the shot meter sometimes doesn’t seem to matter. I have times where I shoot the ball with a player that has an 87 or 90 overall three and hit a perfect release with no one there and the game says “open look miss”, other times I’ll get a eight or 9% and the shot will go down. Essentially you can have some of the best shooters in the game and still messed just because. Coming into this game you know it’s gonna be a grinder to get anything. EA has definitely taken a step with this game to make you almost have to pay to get anything good.