Major Issues
- Im missing wide open shots with Kyle Korver, Kevin Love, Joe Dumars, and Westbrook, and Steph.
- The AI sometimes... DeAndre Jordan can hit contested deep threes. I just played the SIXERS, and all they really did was hit the contested threes.
- The sets. Take out the Impact set because it cost about, lets see, 300,000 on the trophies alone. You can buy a 90+ overall with that money. Also Supremacy LeBron live events cost so much stamina, and you just get duplicates.
- Fix the rosters. I dont see Millsap or Schröder on the Hawks, no Cousins on the Pelicans (even though his number is changed), and Kyle Korver is off the Hawks...
- You guys underrate and overrate some of these overalls. 84 for Damian Lillard? 78 Devin Booker? 89 Steph base card (not to be "that guy")? 87 LeBron and KD?
- The achievements show up when I start a game or a live event. Just so random and annoying.
- The startup screen takes about 2 whole minutes for it to load. And then when I get out of it for a second, it just starts over and I have to wait again.
- The graphics are terrible and we need a bench, commentary, and maybe injuries. That might be a little too much, but it was just a recommendation. Also the players dont celebrate at ALL after they make a three or something.
- Why so hard to get NBA Cash? And if you watch a 45 second video you just get 5 cash. Sometimes I do that for stamina and I dont get half of what I was supposed to get.
- Take out that slow motion thing after the quarter. Its also another annoying thing that needs to be fixed.
- The packs. 250,000 for a pack that only guarantees ONE elite? And Signature Packs cost the same price and they guarantee 2 elites and a higher chance to get another elite or two. Pro Packs are also weird. One day I get an 86-87 player out of one, the next I get 73-78 overalls. Whats up with that?
This was just a very critical review about this "game". I play it a lot if I have some time on my hands but it just really frustrates me. Thank you if you read this WHOLE thing. :)
BrikkCitii about
NBA LIVE Mobile Basketball, v1.5.2